Friday, April 13, 2012

Ignorance is Bliss

What you don't know won't hurt you ....
In actuality what you don't can hurt you....

Ignorance is bliss means not knowing something is better than knowing it.  Basically a person who would rather not know the truth.

IF ignorance is bliss then why aren't more people happy?

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Can we talk? .....CRASH DUMMY

Remember that song from back in the day .. Dem Dry Bones by James and Roseamund Johnson? Well on Tuesday I was in a car accident. Every day is more uncomfortable than the first day and today Dem bones popped in my head when I tried getting up this morning.

Your thigh bone connected to your hip bone,
Your hip bone connected to your back bone,
Your back bone connected to your shoulder bone,
Your shoulder bone connected to your neck bone,
Your neck bone connected to your head bone,
I hear the word of the Lord!

At the time of the accident my adrenaline was pumping, so initially I only felt the burning sensation in my leg and hip. At that time no one could not tell my hip wasn't broken. Thankfully it was not, but damn it sure feels like it's broke. Once the seat belt was removed pain radiated in my neck. I screamed like a banshee. God forbid anyone gets into a accident but if you do, it helps when the hospital is around the corner. Thankfully the doctor at Memorial Herman was quick to take me out of my misery. Shot out to pain meds... lol. 

Two days later, the pain is more intense than the first day. Newton's law is definitely relevant in my case. My body did things one would think impossible. I pride myself on being cute, however there is nothing cute when you walk with a limp. :(

According to Dr. Godard (Link is below) momentum can be transferred from one object to another. (Randomness)

Once I was settled with pain medication, my emotions and pain shifted from my body to my car. We purchased the car in November 2011, so its still a new born baby fresh out the womb. My heart hurts for Jade (yes, I named my car).  I am painfully waiting for my body to heal and my car to be repaired. Things will never be the same with my body or car. . We both have depreciated significantly.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Perfect examples of turning a moment into a movement ….

Perfect examples of turning a moment into a movement..

1 – Obvious lack of motivation. Try as I might I have fallen short of maintaining the things I once loved (and still do on some level of consciousness). My closet is a complete disaster. Once upon a time, all items were color coordinated by style, and season, now it is a lump of a mess,a lump of a mess…. Yes I duplicated so you know that I am not exaggerating. My lovely shoes have lost their home. Empty shoe boxes are thrown here, there, all over, existing where they land in hopes of one day providing a home for a cute shoe. Journaling use to be an all day daily occurrence, now my journal is lucky if I pick it up. This really saddens me... its April my journal started in February. Blog, has traveled far far away into the depths of my mind in hopes of being resurrected, rescued and written. Whatever! The gym... what can I say other than it doesn’t exist in my heart therefore my body has taken on a life of its own. My NOVEL... has abandoned me. I forgot the plot so I need to start over.  I don't need luck I got Jesus....

2 – I have totally forgotten the transition from childhood to teenager. The only way I can describe it now that I have kids is it’s like Bruce Banner changing into the Hulk. Their abilities are comparable…
  • Regenerative healing – Sick one minute, completely healed the next when a party is mentioned
  • High resistance to mind control – No longer listens to parents
  • Vast leaping ability – Will dodge chores, and school work

-Teenagers/Hulk both have an emotional and impulsive alter ego of withdrawing; this can sometimes be described as depression however I much rather label it with subconsciously CRAZY!

-The teenager/Hulk appears shortly after he/she is accidentally exposed to the blast of hormonal changes that shock their system into thinking they are grown

-Strong emotions such as anger, terror and grief are also triggers for forcing the teenagers transformation into the Hulk. Which is usually sets in upon hearing the word ‘NO’.

3 – Doggie blues. Why me??? I love animals more specifically dogs. Yet once they reach the moment of self awareness, they lose me. Let me back this up into my dog. Bleux Martini White is a mixed Pit/Lab (just guessing), grey coat with the deep grey eyes. Very nice looking dog yet he has one major flaw ‘CHEWING’. Not the normal chew and swallow but the excessive need to constantly chew any and everything in his path. All things are chewable, which includes but not limited to...
  • Shoes no matter the name brand, price or quality
  • Pillows
  • Blankets
  • Water bottles
  • Video game cords
  • Cell phone chargers
  • Kitchen floor linoleum
  • His leash
  • The corner of the couch
  • My grandmother table
  • His tail
  • Our feet

So you see, he doesn’t discriminate on what to chew, its equal opportunity for all things in his line of vision. I have come to dislike this dog, not because he is a dog, he is doing what dogs do but because he has hypnotized the family into thinking he is sweet and innocent thereby giving him second chances and get out of cage free cards. Since I can can't stay mad at my family I am mad at Bleux.

4- The Attic. Perfect book title.  Needless to say, there is nothing perfect about my attic. The thought of cleaning the attic brings forth a rush of emotions ranging from happy, fear, mad and failure, and not exactly in this order. Originally I put things up there until I was able to make room in the house. It has been 5 years and that same stuff is still in the attic, never been touched or thought about until now. Where the heck do I begin? Please don’t laugh at my pain, there are cassette tapes, floppy disks, school books, Barbie collectable dolls,  clothes that are keepers (but not), and other misc items that I can barely remember. No space, no time, just stuffy.

5- Appliances. In this day and age, why oh why am I turning on my dryer with pliers? My refrigerator shelves are being held in place by hangers, the stove door doesn’t shut all the way therefore heat permeates the entire living space, and the dishwasher has a mind of its own, sometimes it cleans the dishes and sometimes it doesn’t. No comment needed, I am just sayin….
My chaotic self in 5 paragraphs …