Thursday, April 12, 2012

Can we talk? .....CRASH DUMMY

Remember that song from back in the day .. Dem Dry Bones by James and Roseamund Johnson? Well on Tuesday I was in a car accident. Every day is more uncomfortable than the first day and today Dem bones popped in my head when I tried getting up this morning.

Your thigh bone connected to your hip bone,
Your hip bone connected to your back bone,
Your back bone connected to your shoulder bone,
Your shoulder bone connected to your neck bone,
Your neck bone connected to your head bone,
I hear the word of the Lord!

At the time of the accident my adrenaline was pumping, so initially I only felt the burning sensation in my leg and hip. At that time no one could not tell my hip wasn't broken. Thankfully it was not, but damn it sure feels like it's broke. Once the seat belt was removed pain radiated in my neck. I screamed like a banshee. God forbid anyone gets into a accident but if you do, it helps when the hospital is around the corner. Thankfully the doctor at Memorial Herman was quick to take me out of my misery. Shot out to pain meds... lol. 

Two days later, the pain is more intense than the first day. Newton's law is definitely relevant in my case. My body did things one would think impossible. I pride myself on being cute, however there is nothing cute when you walk with a limp. :(

According to Dr. Godard (Link is below) momentum can be transferred from one object to another. (Randomness)

Once I was settled with pain medication, my emotions and pain shifted from my body to my car. We purchased the car in November 2011, so its still a new born baby fresh out the womb. My heart hurts for Jade (yes, I named my car).  I am painfully waiting for my body to heal and my car to be repaired. Things will never be the same with my body or car. . We both have depreciated significantly.

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