Friday, June 3, 2011

Happy Balance

Good Morning everyone,

Recently (past few months), I have decided to take a stab as a Blogger and through this journey I have become involved with several blogs related to various topics.  Sandra Rose feeds me the gossip entertainment sector, and Angela Simmons is random thoughts, quotes and her personal quest to remain relevant.  Below there is the ‘Positivity’ Blog which comes directly to my email and focuses on positivity and productivity. I do not get paid to advertise for these websites so I won’t however every once in a while I will share a topic that stands out and radiates something I am working on in my life.

Lately, due to enormous of amounts of stress some forced on me others self imposed, I have decided to make some changes. Set up boundaries, limitations sort to speak. 

Can you believe it but others see me as ….loud, aggressive, yeller, fussy, naggy, and opinionated and I am sure the list goes on. But I see me as concerned, passionate, aggressive, committed and caring and I recognized that flaws exist. My passion for those I love, cherish and respect has taken a toll on my peace of mind, and health. For my sake I need to make some changes.

Starting yesterday, I have turned myself down a notch, and my existence will be on low volume.  Since I can not seem to win or breakeven regardless of what I do:
  • If I say anything, share an opinion = I am wrong, not being fair, thought process is off or even messy
  • If do not say anything = I have an attitude and mean
  • I find myself tip toeing around folks to prevent saying something that is insensitive ( in their opinion)
From here on out:
  • I will do more listening than speaking
  • I will not comment on folks drama that does not directly impact me
  • Nor will I inquire about the well-being of others that could potentially bring drama
  • The less I know the better ;o)

I write out of emotion, so it can be misconstrued as rambling, hence I journal. When the article below came to me today it said everything I needed to say in a manner that is not attackful, but tactful.

Feel free to Google this blog and have them send a little peace to your life!


[Positivity] 5 Ways of Using Limits to Get More Enjoyment Out of Your Life Today‏

Hi there!

Lately I've become a lot fonder of limits than I used to be. I used to see them as something negative. Because on one level it's great to surpass you own limits. On another level it is pretty helpful to set some limits.

So here is how I use limits to make things easier for myself and to accomplish more.

1. Drop the irrelevant stuff.

What are the most important things in your life? What are the least important things in your life? Find ways to drop the things that are actually pretty irrelevant when you think about it. This may not be that easy though and you can encounter resistance from within.

Even if it's a change for the better you are still upsetting the order you are used to and that is uncomfortable. But to make room for new stuff or more of the best stuff then something has to go. You can't just work faster and faster.

2. Set limits for daily checking.

I check inboxes, Facebook, various statistics for my website at the end of my workday. And just once a day. It is relief because your mind becomes less stuffed with thoughts that just run around in circles. You think more clearly and feel more relaxed. I would highly recommend adapting this in a way that suits you and to try it for just a week and see how it feels.

3. Set time limits for small decisions.

I don't sit around thinking about decisions like if I should exercise, make a phone call, try some new food or anything where I may feel a bit of resistance from within. Instead as soon as I think about it I make a decision to do it within seconds and start moving.

If you wait for just one or a few minutes then that can create unnecessary doubts and excuses in your head. The mental burden in your mind - which can become a pretty big energy sucker over days and weeks of time - is minimized by doing this.

4. Set time limits for tasks.

In 2009 I started using Twitter. It became pretty sporadic. So last year I decided to set a timebox for 15 minutes each day to use for Twitter. At first, I felt resistance but I had set the limit and so I was going to use Twitter for 15 minutes each day. After a couple of days the limit became useful in another way. Because now I had got into it and it had become more fun than it used to. So the 15 minute limit now helps me to use Twitter effectively and to not spend too much time there.

Try using a similar small limit to either get started with doing something each day or to cut down on something that you are spending more time on than you really want to.

5. Set a limit for commitments.

Say no. Stretching yourself a bit can be good. Overextending yourself is not.

Get to know your limits for getting things done and actually enjoying life instead of just trying to get yourself through each day with your head above the water. 

Think about it, use the other tips above and find a balance where you get the most important things done but also feel good about your life and not just deadly tired and with a lot of mediocre results.

I hope this email will help you to find more enjoyment in your life today and this upcoming weekend,


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