“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”
― Oscar Wilde
― Oscar Wilde
Okay so this blog thing is not working out a planned. This past week has
been super crazy to say the least. We, me, I am in the middle of a year end
cycle at work with the sole purpose of ensuring that all employees W2
statements are accurate. So forgive me for this super late posting, late
material, past thoughts and sporatic randomness. #Tired.com #NoSleepatAll
#BusyMom #PlumTired
With Thanksgiving in the past, thanks to the kids constantly reminding me of
their Christmas debt wish list I know December is super close. I am so not ready for
the holidays. Yet, this is my favorite time of the year. We typically pull the tree out of the attic to
decorate although my dear sweet hubby has yet to take down the decorations from
the attic. #PatientlyWaiting. O_o There
is really no set tradition in the White House other than me trying to decide
which color scheme to decorate for that year. Decisions, decisions …. Any way I
look forward to the best cartoons ever A Charlie Brown Christmas, Rudolph the
Red Nose Reindeer and Frosty the Snowman.
The kids don’t appreciate the Christmas cartoons back in ‘my’ day but
little do they know this was the time the family congregated in the living room
with hot chocolate, snacks and feet pajamas to indulge in the meaning of
Christmas .. Family!
This week has been exhausting, hence this late post that was due on Friday. Monday was my last day on PTO (personal time off), I did my Martin Lawrence imitation DAMN! DAMN! DAMN! It’s all good though I had a great weekend. Initially my plan was to sit around journal, catch up on my new favorite TV show The Walking Dead, sleep and just maybe (maybe) go to the gym however things do not always work out as planned. My ususal marathon of events took over, more like a possession; cooking, cleaning, washing and the list goes on and on. End of story, after all it was said and done, finally I was able to relax with a nice glass of wine. Ultimately, the pen went dry, I avoided the gym, and the TV ended up watching me BUT, I got some sleep ;)
In other news, let the games begin. Malik and
Charity basketball games are in full effect and boy I am tired just thinking
about the seemingly endless games. As much as I don’t understand the game it is
really exciting to see the kids work hard with their team. Don’t laugh but I
only yell when the crowd does, and repeat the chants made to the refs by another
parent when a call is made against one of our players. Other than buying $1
gummy bears, greasy nachos and sour pickles and nursing a tummy ache the next
day that is the extent of my basketball knowledge. Needless to say neither of the kids teams have won a game but the spirit
of those events are memories they will cherish forever … win or lose.
Finally. Hopefully next week I will be able to provide more insight into The White House. Until then, have a great weekend.

This week has been exhausting, hence this late post that was due on Friday. Monday was my last day on PTO (personal time off), I did my Martin Lawrence imitation DAMN! DAMN! DAMN! It’s all good though I had a great weekend. Initially my plan was to sit around journal, catch up on my new favorite TV show The Walking Dead, sleep and just maybe (maybe) go to the gym however things do not always work out as planned. My ususal marathon of events took over, more like a possession; cooking, cleaning, washing and the list goes on and on. End of story, after all it was said and done, finally I was able to relax with a nice glass of wine. Ultimately, the pen went dry, I avoided the gym, and the TV ended up watching me BUT, I got some sleep ;)

Finally. Hopefully next week I will be able to provide more insight into The White House. Until then, have a great weekend.
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