Wednesday, March 16, 2011

.....WANTED: Passion:a emotion applied to a very strong feeling for something

What is your passion?
I have passion for a lot of things.
Many moons ago I started writing to release.
Now I write not only to release, but express the stuff in my head and the things I see going on around me.  Hopefully one day it will all come together into something productive that others will want to share with me. Right now my writing is limited due to time related to work, family, this or that.

Work -- No flexibility: Doing the bidding of others for a small financial gain. Unable to make decisions w/o a co-signer (HR)
Family -- Unappreciated, over worked, taken for granted and conditional. Some flexibility, able to make decisions.

My hubby is self employed and loves loves loves his freedom. Me, myself and I need security. Secure paycheck, secure benefits...of course I have to give up a few things to meet the needs of my security blanket. When is it time to say when? Take a leap of faith and do something that you always wanted to do....
There are so many things that I like and love to do so tell can I make a dollar out of .15 cents doing what I love....My Passions:

  • Shoes: A woman who is truly a woman loves shoes. Regardless of design, designer or style, it’s a personal quest for self reflection. Shoes say a lot about a person...what does it really mean when I wear flip flops in the winter and boots in the summer? Women and shoes have an intimate relationship, bond like no other. Shoes would be the ideal business partner because they are loyal, and will pizzazz and style to the customer and I would be the visionary. No good....I would wear all the shoes and wouldn't sell a thing!!
  • Toe Socks: Comfy, cozy and fun! No idea how to make this a money maker.
  • Star gazing: Dreaming up ways to make money. Non profit only.
  • Coffee: My shoulder to lean on, my wings beneath the wind, the light of my life. Yes people I love coffee. I am so sure that the market for coffee is overwhelming considering the amount of stress people deal with on the daily basis.
  • Hot Tamales: Fire and desire! Um Um good. Set my taste buds on fire, I love the way my candy eat the thin layer of skin off my tongue and change the flavor of my food the next day. Ying and Yang, two sides of the same coin yet different. Nothing but love, no sale!
  • Facebook: I have become the very person I said I would never be...a facebook junkie! This is actually a marketable option to make some money. Any ideas?
  • Twitter: A bit intimidating, yet fun. The pressure to produce the most exciting 'you' is hard on twitter.
  • Writing/Journaling: Writing, reading, expressing, giving, taking, loving, hating, laughing, crying, family, friends, and just plain life
  • Reality TV: Is my outlet into the lives of other people drama. I stand tall and relish on how grateful I am for my life. I am not a hoarder, I am not self absorbed groupie, I am not desperate enough compete with 12 other woman for the affections of one man, I am not desperate enough to make a jackass out of myself and embarrass my family for the almighty dollar. I like me.
  • Reading: Escape, living through the eyes of others.
  • Working out: Upon arrival to the state of Texas, it was a new place, basically a new me! However a few years later, and too many problems my work out regime was/is null and void. I do more talking about working than working out! Sad but true. So me aspiring to make money working out is not an option because I truly can not commit!
  • To Do List: Upper management for the sake of sanity aka sanity sake. (I don’t commit anything to memory except if you are mean to me)
  • Talk Radio: For listeners only (meaning me). Voice issues!
  • Limon' Chips: Pure joy, no need to really include as a money making option because they are already signed, sealed and delivered!
  • Wine: Now here is an idea. Wine mixed with a few of my passions above I have a winner. For example..Wine + Twitter = drama (people pay for drama), or Wine + Working out = a peep show, Wine + Facebook = Honesty, Wine + writing = best seller.
  • Gossip: Could get me into trouble.
  • Relaxing: Over rated!
All that being said I will keep my day job until the real deal presents itself. The bad part is I have to change who I am in order to survive. Dreaming building is a beautiful thing and that I will never give up on! I may not have the fan base I have dreamed of but I have all the support I need. Self employment is in my future, its attainable but the risk keeps it a bay.  My writing in all its imperfections is my livelihood and one day, one name will be in on the BEST seller list! (Or hustled out of the trunk of my car)

Thinking about a consignment shop..hmm ;)


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