Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Cast Remix - From a different POV

This is the Golden Lasso. Besides being made from an indestructible material, it also carries with it the power to compel people to tell the truth. Use it well, and with compassion.” – Queen Hippolyte
The “Cast” that was posted Saturday on my blog, received so much love (although no one commented LJ ) however I was reluctant for Papa Smurf to read it since he is super sensitive when it comes to sharing information however I took a chance, it wasn’t like I was going to take it down. Throwing caution to the wind, I allowed him to read it. He smiled. Then he laughed. Then he  agreed with the descriptions except for the one I wrote about myself.  He claimed I was biased when it came to my character description especially the Wonder Woman picture. Okay, challenge me was my response to him. Do a guest blog of the family from your point of view.  Of course Mr. Conservative will not do that, no way would he put himself out there so he did the next best thing, he showed the kids. All three knuckle heads decided to guest post in order to dispute my depiction of them and of course to elevate themselves. My therapist told me that teenagers are narcissistic, and I have come to learn how true it is!  All is fair in love and war in the White House.  (P.S. I couldn't make this up if I tried ...)
Uno’s POV:


Superman/Captain America (Uno): If I put my mind to it, then it shall be done (got that from my daddy). My super power is ‘loyalty’. I have part-time leadership qualities, if I see you have it under control then I stand down. I do have a tendency to be a bit sneaky but that is not always the case. My sneaky behavior is often confused with free spirit and not being very open others. I thrive in difficult situations when I am not procrastinating. I love TV.
Catwoman (Wonder Woman mixed with Black Canary): All bark & no bite. Her mood changes so fast, one minute she yelling the next she laughing which is often confusing. I don’t know whether to tip toe when entering a room, or speak. She is the leader in the house, with “Mastermind” super powers she gets things done. At times she can be quick to judge and manipulative. When mad she screams like Black Canary… high pitched!
Wolverine/Iron man (Papa Smurf): Head strong and pompous (ass). Although the facts are in his face, he will only do it his way. Very laid back, go with the flow personality so we very rarely hear from him unless something triggers a thought and he makes the connection. “Lecturing” is his all-time super power, no matter the topic there is always a lesson and lecture.
Hawk Girl (Russia): Superpowers ‘deflecting’. (see I wasn’t the only one.. lmao). She has quick tongue, quick wit and smart mouth.  She has a way of making things go around then come back around like a boomerang. The stubborn attitude and bad temper always get her into trouble.
Captain Marble(Preacher):  He makes it happen, ‘shot caller’ is his super power. Captain M is idealistic and innovative , his ability to come up with original ideas then execute shows leadership qualities. Very sensitive by nature, has the tendency to let things get to him easily. Easily provoked.
Storm (Snow): Reminds me of God of War. Will fight in a minute yet is a trader if there is a better opportunity with the enemy. ‘Strength” is her super power which displays love, care and loyalty. She can be very deep and meets the goals she set up for herself.
The Question (Moss): Quiet, hard to read. Will often open up when on common ground which is rare. Super power is “Shadowing” like a shadow, there one minute, gone the next. Disappears when the sun sets in the East.


Scooby Doo: Our dog Bleux Martini is lost in our maze of crazy. He has no choice but to go with the flow when it comes to all 5 of his masters. He is loyal, if you fight, he will fight, if you run he will run, if you eat, he will eat. If you bark, he will bark. You get the picture.

Preachers’s POV:
Dr. Fate (Papa Smurf): He is like a preacher always giving advice about life and sharing money tips as if he is a personal bank.  Very patient yet can be forceful. Some of the things he preach about may not be clear now but at the end of the day you finally understand.
Wonder Woman (Wonder Woman): She is like a lawyer, will always have your back no matter what and in return you must show her respect.  She has your back in the good times, and through the hard times. She can be a little stubborn, which makes it difficult to work with her but she is very loving person.
Black Widow (Russia): A designer that is constantly coming up with new ideas. She is goofy and fun to be around. Real blunt, and at times hard to understand but she always focusing on things ahead.
Cell phone/Stewy/Donkey Kong (Uno): He is a like a cell phone, he knows a lot of things at the time but starts to slow down when you give him too much information. Even though he is mentally slow and has a hard time keeping up, he eventually gets it when it’s over.
Lebron James (Preacher) – Almost always have an opinion. Head strong in good and bad situations. Always has a good friend around. Very active and always focusing on life.  Yeah I cry, so what, real men cry in the dark!
Russia’s POV:
Spanky, Buckwheat/ Beastboy (Preacher):  Gets on the worlds nerves at times, but at the end of the day he can be chill. He always keeps his bunny on his side and will never give up on what he is striving for. He is smart, sneaky and cool to be around when he is not on his period.
Olaf from Frozen (Uno):  …. Does the most irrelevant things at times, like remember every word in a movie or song but never can remember anything when it comes to his books. He is funny, intelligent  and very immature. Hairy like a gorilla and thinks everything is pretty, made of sugar & spice and filled with unicorns.
Fred Flintstone/Oscar Proud (Papa Smurf): He is an old man with late reaction and understanding. Talks through every movie, and farts all the time.  Grounding us is his favorite hobby and he does it without knowing all the facts. We are living under a cloud of politics which is why we are in the “The White House”.
Mrs. Claus (Wonder Woman): Author of life and purpose. Always on the move and is a hard working mother, wife, sister and daughter. Will do her best to get you what you want only if you give her some writing time.  She can hold the best grudge on this planet and will never let you forget it.  After a while she will be your legs beneath you, your eyes to help you see and your ears so that you can hear.  My brothers and dad saying that I am a kiss ass but its true, Mrs. Claus is the best.
Penny Proud (Russia): I will get on someone’s case in a second and let them know about their self before someone else does. Once you get on my bad side I will find a way to make you hate me more.  On the flip side I am a loving and caring person once you get to know me.  I keep close friends close and enemies even closer.  Never will I let anyone manipulate me without me getting back at you. I can be your best friend or your worst enemy J
Storm (Snow): Hard body hottie everyday all day. Will fight for whatever regardless of the cause. She will pop off them nails, snatch off them eye lashes then put her hair In a pony tail. She says what she means and means what she says. Very sweet person and knows how to have fun. She don’t play about that all mighty dollar and is very sensitive about her family! Loyalty is key.
Raven (Moss): Quiet and extremely talented. Could not tell when he is happy or sad and never know when he is mad.  Great artist and photographer and is very photogenic. When he smiles all it shows is the positivity in his day.  

If I can give it then I have to be able to take it. At the end of the day, as a family we go through so much yet its all love in the end at the WHITE HOUSE. Thanks for reading.
Monroe Bishop The Wrapper #IT WORKS


Saturday, April 26, 2014

This Weeks 'Mental' Purge ...better late than never


"A woman is like a tea bag; you never know how strong it is until it's in hot water."
Eleanor Roosevelt

There are so many things that have happened over this past week. I am feeling overwhelmed because I have not written in my journal  plus I am late with my blog post. But get ready I am about to taint your lives with my drama and life in the The White ....

First let me start off by saying with tears of joy, that we had NO KIDS the entire Easter weekend starting on Thursday. Preacher, Uno and Russia all had plans of their own. Friday was freeing. I was able to get some writing done, and kick start this blog. Yay for quiet time.  We visited Papa Smurfs home town to check on a few folks that we haven’t seen in a while. I swear that side of the family is awesome, pure breath of fresh air. I wish we made time to visit more often.  There is something to be said about sitting on the car porch, under a tree with a drink, swatting flies, talking shit and dodging the sun..down home country living is good living. We tried out a new spot for crawfish, then headed home to watch our recorded shows and relax. Crawfish were nasty.
Saturday was more of the same except I woke up with a burst of energy. I washed the car, cleaned the house and wash clothes and found time to write a few things for this blog. Then off to the kiddy party. Anyone who knows me know that I DO NOT LIKE kids. Let me be clear, I would never harm a child unless provoked however I would rather not be in their presence for a long period of time. People always ask me if I do not like kids why did I have 3? Well simple, I was young dumb and full of ..never mind, you get the picture. I have no regrets and I love my kids dearly but I still do not like kids. Never the less I had to represent, support my boo bear (I haven’t found a cool name for her yet so boo bear will do for now) who is always there for me.  Regardless of the company I was going to forced to keep … out laws, Papa Smurf and I headed to the party. Things were going nicely, kids were away from me out side playing, and the adults were mingling. Then came that knock, and true to form only ignorant certain people walk into a house and don’t speak. I didn’t get to see everyone that I wanted to see because some people specialize in being late to gatherings. Any who, I enjoyed the time I was there, made my presence known. We bounced after Papa Smurf was full of hot dogs and blue shaved ice. I went home to eat salmon and salad, because by the time we arrived at the kiddy party, my hunger was too far gone to indulge in a hot dog. Sorry boo bear it was me not you J
Easter is celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ and that we did. Sunday my hubby and I started off our day at Trinity Garden Church of Christ at 8am service, and we were actually not that late for a change Needless to say, the weekend was great! Then they all came home
I didn’t originally define a word count quota but I have a pretty good idea when folks get tired of reading so I am going to wrap this week up as fast I can. I started off with my annual pap (see picture) .. sorry but you would think with the evolution of medicine that we as woman would not have to sit up, caked up, with our ass in someone face while they violate us with a steel spectrum that if used incorrectly could pinch sensitive skin. Anyway, I did confirm that although I cannot carry a child, my parts are still manufacturing eggs.  Preacher has an attitude (most likely due to girlfriend drama) which is nothing new.  I am at the point now that I have to ignore him for my sake because he is gonna get a quick punch to the throat which could land me in jail which if you think about it could be a good thing if I had a book and didn't have to share a cell.  He broke another phone and lost his 2nd retainer. Yet he mad at me. #WTF.  Russia needs her hair did, so she is on a mission to get it done by any means necessary. I won’t mention that she was at Drainea house since Thursday. She was also late turning in a project because she didn't ask questions or attend tutoring however it was the teachers fault she was late. #WTF. Uno is Uno, walks around with his head in the clouds searching for an answer yet never asked the question. Anyway, the beat goes on … tick tock tick tock. I have therapy on Thursday and he better not cancel on me. HE CANCELED I have no patience for doctors with a 2nd a job.  Correct me if I am wrong but I think the Crawfish festival starts this Friday..yesterday since I am posting late. Too bad this is not my pay week.
My picture perfect week in no particular order ..
the devil
Held Hostage

The Brush

Landscape Entire view

Wine Tasting

Blogger Stations

Basketball practicw
No Caption needed
Eye Threading


More Wine

#MyLife I live it one pill at a time.
Monroe Bishop


I have been thinking about this blog a lot the past few weeks, days, hours, (TODAY) trying to decide on what direction to take, how much I want to share and what this really means to me. I came to the conclusion that it’s not just about blended families and our struggles; it is about life, change and growth. Please note that this blog is a work in progress, and is continuously under construction because I am a woman, it is my blog and I have a right to change my mind! (Notice I didn't post on Friday).
After much thought (and prayer), I have decided to refrain from using names, to protect the innocent from the guilty. For those of you know me, I am sure you can figure it out (previous post..shh). However I will not be the bearer of the whole truth, just mine. So without further ado, I would like to introduce you to this NON TRADITIONAL FAMILY.  There will more introductions later


Me of course. Wonder woman aka Monroe. I am a mother, daughter, sister, friend, motivator, cheerleader but most of the all I am the unofficial leader of the clan. I have all the responsibilities but not the power. Like I said before MOTHER OF ALL yet MASTER OF NONE.  I love unconditionally  and manage the needs of everyone regardless of my state of mind I am happy, sad, mad, crying or depressed (no one cares). I don’t like kids PERIOD, but if you mess with any of mine, I coming for ya. I am always tired, because I do the most, so I partake in wine tasting all the time, occasionally. #Democrat #Writer


Papa Smurf is the unofficial leader, the provider, the soft spoken person amongst the loud and rowdy (mostly me). His superpowers is “patience” because it takes him a while to get to that point, but when he does… whatchoutnow! He has so much to say yet no one listens because he is always processing the thought.  Sweet, God-fearing man who rarely curses, or drinks yet when mad he curses and drink.  Papa Smurf is our rock, he keeps us grounded although he is forgetful. HE is the not so fun parent who only speaks to kids when necessary which usually includes a long speech and a bible scripture. #Republican


Moss is Quiet, too himself most of the time. If he doesn’t speak you wouldn’t know he was there. His super powers is having the ability of “Out of sight out of mind”. Do not let this quiet as its kept demeanor fool you. He has the personality of a rock star and creativity out of this universe.  I always say, still waters run deep. #Liberal #Photographer


 Snow is a typical teenage girl, moody as hell. Her super powers is “mind control” and is very rebellious when things are not going her way. She has a heart of gold, giving spirit and will give you her last. She is my free spirit, doesn’t care what anyone thinks and she will kick ass and not bother to ask for a name. Super loyal to those she love. #Republican

Preacher is slicker that slick. His super powers is “Charm”, which comes two ways, tantrum and his smile. Quick with his tongue, very witty, and he will talk circles around you. Go ahead make him mad, I dare you, he will either curse you out or cry #Republican


 Uno is the sweetest, kindest, most giving, sneakiest person you would ever meet. His super power is ‘playing dumb’.  It really is a thin between innocence and sneaky, so when having a conversation with him, record it to play it back later in order to fit the puzzle together. Each day you never know what your going to get hence the two pictures. Everything is either HOT/Cold, Black/White .. never easy. He believes people are genuinely good but when you cross him, you will get cutoff! #Liberal

Russia is a pistol. You never know what you are going to get with this one either. She could be smiling but mad which means she is plotting. Her super powers is “deflecting”.  When caught in a midst of a doing something wrong the subject changes so fast you forget she got caught. Super tough demeanor but will cry in a minute. She also has the innate ability to read lips, hear whispers and crack codes when adults are speaking. Be careful, she is watching you AlWAYS. #Republican




Wolf (in sheeps clothing) has got all the sense in the world but don’t know how to use it which makes him dumb as hell.  Superpowers are being a ‘fake bully’. He talk so much shit he will have you believing the things he is saying about you. And he can whip your ass physically with words.  He is a pill away from being diagnosed as bi-polarized. Be prepared because you never know what you are gonna get on a minute by minute basis, its either a comedy show or knife in the back. Armor up before talking to this one #Confused

Drainea (pronounce Drain-ya) is a trip.  Supers powers is “Damsel in distress”. She will woo you into her web of deceit with a flowery voice that skips in your direction.  Once in your personal space, she pounces with never ending excuses, sickness and whoasme  accolades.  Take heed she is the Damsel that cries wolf. #SuperDuperSuckthelifeoutofyouDemocrat. I thought about adding a second picture but nawww, this sums it up!