Saturday, April 26, 2014

This Weeks 'Mental' Purge ...better late than never


"A woman is like a tea bag; you never know how strong it is until it's in hot water."
Eleanor Roosevelt

There are so many things that have happened over this past week. I am feeling overwhelmed because I have not written in my journal  plus I am late with my blog post. But get ready I am about to taint your lives with my drama and life in the The White ....

First let me start off by saying with tears of joy, that we had NO KIDS the entire Easter weekend starting on Thursday. Preacher, Uno and Russia all had plans of their own. Friday was freeing. I was able to get some writing done, and kick start this blog. Yay for quiet time.  We visited Papa Smurfs home town to check on a few folks that we haven’t seen in a while. I swear that side of the family is awesome, pure breath of fresh air. I wish we made time to visit more often.  There is something to be said about sitting on the car porch, under a tree with a drink, swatting flies, talking shit and dodging the sun..down home country living is good living. We tried out a new spot for crawfish, then headed home to watch our recorded shows and relax. Crawfish were nasty.
Saturday was more of the same except I woke up with a burst of energy. I washed the car, cleaned the house and wash clothes and found time to write a few things for this blog. Then off to the kiddy party. Anyone who knows me know that I DO NOT LIKE kids. Let me be clear, I would never harm a child unless provoked however I would rather not be in their presence for a long period of time. People always ask me if I do not like kids why did I have 3? Well simple, I was young dumb and full of ..never mind, you get the picture. I have no regrets and I love my kids dearly but I still do not like kids. Never the less I had to represent, support my boo bear (I haven’t found a cool name for her yet so boo bear will do for now) who is always there for me.  Regardless of the company I was going to forced to keep … out laws, Papa Smurf and I headed to the party. Things were going nicely, kids were away from me out side playing, and the adults were mingling. Then came that knock, and true to form only ignorant certain people walk into a house and don’t speak. I didn’t get to see everyone that I wanted to see because some people specialize in being late to gatherings. Any who, I enjoyed the time I was there, made my presence known. We bounced after Papa Smurf was full of hot dogs and blue shaved ice. I went home to eat salmon and salad, because by the time we arrived at the kiddy party, my hunger was too far gone to indulge in a hot dog. Sorry boo bear it was me not you J
Easter is celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ and that we did. Sunday my hubby and I started off our day at Trinity Garden Church of Christ at 8am service, and we were actually not that late for a change Needless to say, the weekend was great! Then they all came home
I didn’t originally define a word count quota but I have a pretty good idea when folks get tired of reading so I am going to wrap this week up as fast I can. I started off with my annual pap (see picture) .. sorry but you would think with the evolution of medicine that we as woman would not have to sit up, caked up, with our ass in someone face while they violate us with a steel spectrum that if used incorrectly could pinch sensitive skin. Anyway, I did confirm that although I cannot carry a child, my parts are still manufacturing eggs.  Preacher has an attitude (most likely due to girlfriend drama) which is nothing new.  I am at the point now that I have to ignore him for my sake because he is gonna get a quick punch to the throat which could land me in jail which if you think about it could be a good thing if I had a book and didn't have to share a cell.  He broke another phone and lost his 2nd retainer. Yet he mad at me. #WTF.  Russia needs her hair did, so she is on a mission to get it done by any means necessary. I won’t mention that she was at Drainea house since Thursday. She was also late turning in a project because she didn't ask questions or attend tutoring however it was the teachers fault she was late. #WTF. Uno is Uno, walks around with his head in the clouds searching for an answer yet never asked the question. Anyway, the beat goes on … tick tock tick tock. I have therapy on Thursday and he better not cancel on me. HE CANCELED I have no patience for doctors with a 2nd a job.  Correct me if I am wrong but I think the Crawfish festival starts this Friday..yesterday since I am posting late. Too bad this is not my pay week.
My picture perfect week in no particular order ..
the devil
Held Hostage

The Brush

Landscape Entire view

Wine Tasting

Blogger Stations

Basketball practicw
No Caption needed
Eye Threading


More Wine

#MyLife I live it one pill at a time.
Monroe Bishop

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