Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Resurrection of ME... Part 2

The Resurrection of ME... Part 2

Survival à During this unexpected life experience I continuously slap a smile on my face and bulldoze my way thru as a wife, and mother and step mother as the EXs get more and more out of control.  My ex avoids child support like the plague, call me names, threatens me and the ex-wife (nice way of putting it) has been a strain emotionally and financially as she continues to intentionally manipulate the dynamics of our family. If it isn’t one thing it is another… the Ex’s, kids, money, in-laws, family or each other. It was almost to the point of no return with our relationship. My hubby and I decided to take a step back re-evaluate our situation to overcome one issue at a time. We started with BOUNDARIES … back the f**k up and let ME (US) breathe!!!!!!!!!!!! (sorry I self diagnosed myself with turrets)

This new blog journey is all the way real. Real experiences, real situations, feelings etc. etc. … I am and always have been an open book, which is my own personal therapy. If you do not want your story told then you should HAVE NOT included me. LIFE IN THE WHITEHOUSE (the off brand) is my story, my journey, MY TRUTH. My crazy!

Housekeeping à
These blogs will be posted every FRIDAY (fingers crossed) and will include my journey as a wife, mother of all master of none, and my journey to self-love and mental stability. I have researched the “Step MOM” phenomenon to prove that crazy was bestowed upon me and it is really not me, IT’S THEM. Seriously folks, I see crazy people and they walk around disguised as family. Basically I am proving that my trip from the mountain top to the valley was not by choice but by force. I have felt a lone for a very long time so I figured it had to be others in this valley also and sure enough there were others who had experienced the wife/mom/stepmom blues.  However most of them were almost out of the valley on their way back to the mountain top. The ones that remained where hopeless. Here I am trying to validate my thoughts, feelings, reactions to the bull-ish that I inherited and others had been there and done that. Who knew there was a solution to this blended family thing? I didn’t and still don’t, I take it one day at a time. Now here I am sitting in the valley damn near alone with a glass of wine of course, thinking where do I go from here? It did not take long to figure it out. Most of the stepmoms exiting the valley via their blog focused on cohesiveness, celebrating family, playing nice with the ex’s, basically KUMBAYA moments .. No ma’am not this BLOG. I am keeping it 100%  ME real which will include all my crazy and happy moments!  However I have not decided whether I should change the names of the trifling or if I really want to embarrass the kids. After another sip of wine, I decided HELL YEAH I wanna embarrass the kids! But still trying to decide how to deal with the trifling.  Decision, decisions.  Hopefully in a weird, crazy sort of way, this will help others cope and walk away from the ledge one pill at a time. But before I officially begin ………

DISCLAIMER:  For the narcissistic outsiders (the ex’s) who think I am talking about you I AM, however this is all about ME, not you!

YOU CAN’T KEEP A GOOD WOMAN DOWN……..especially when she has a glass or bottle of wine in her hand.

Monroe Bishop

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