Saturday, April 26, 2014


I have been thinking about this blog a lot the past few weeks, days, hours, (TODAY) trying to decide on what direction to take, how much I want to share and what this really means to me. I came to the conclusion that it’s not just about blended families and our struggles; it is about life, change and growth. Please note that this blog is a work in progress, and is continuously under construction because I am a woman, it is my blog and I have a right to change my mind! (Notice I didn't post on Friday).
After much thought (and prayer), I have decided to refrain from using names, to protect the innocent from the guilty. For those of you know me, I am sure you can figure it out (previous post..shh). However I will not be the bearer of the whole truth, just mine. So without further ado, I would like to introduce you to this NON TRADITIONAL FAMILY.  There will more introductions later


Me of course. Wonder woman aka Monroe. I am a mother, daughter, sister, friend, motivator, cheerleader but most of the all I am the unofficial leader of the clan. I have all the responsibilities but not the power. Like I said before MOTHER OF ALL yet MASTER OF NONE.  I love unconditionally  and manage the needs of everyone regardless of my state of mind I am happy, sad, mad, crying or depressed (no one cares). I don’t like kids PERIOD, but if you mess with any of mine, I coming for ya. I am always tired, because I do the most, so I partake in wine tasting all the time, occasionally. #Democrat #Writer


Papa Smurf is the unofficial leader, the provider, the soft spoken person amongst the loud and rowdy (mostly me). His superpowers is “patience” because it takes him a while to get to that point, but when he does… whatchoutnow! He has so much to say yet no one listens because he is always processing the thought.  Sweet, God-fearing man who rarely curses, or drinks yet when mad he curses and drink.  Papa Smurf is our rock, he keeps us grounded although he is forgetful. HE is the not so fun parent who only speaks to kids when necessary which usually includes a long speech and a bible scripture. #Republican


Moss is Quiet, too himself most of the time. If he doesn’t speak you wouldn’t know he was there. His super powers is having the ability of “Out of sight out of mind”. Do not let this quiet as its kept demeanor fool you. He has the personality of a rock star and creativity out of this universe.  I always say, still waters run deep. #Liberal #Photographer


 Snow is a typical teenage girl, moody as hell. Her super powers is “mind control” and is very rebellious when things are not going her way. She has a heart of gold, giving spirit and will give you her last. She is my free spirit, doesn’t care what anyone thinks and she will kick ass and not bother to ask for a name. Super loyal to those she love. #Republican

Preacher is slicker that slick. His super powers is “Charm”, which comes two ways, tantrum and his smile. Quick with his tongue, very witty, and he will talk circles around you. Go ahead make him mad, I dare you, he will either curse you out or cry #Republican


 Uno is the sweetest, kindest, most giving, sneakiest person you would ever meet. His super power is ‘playing dumb’.  It really is a thin between innocence and sneaky, so when having a conversation with him, record it to play it back later in order to fit the puzzle together. Each day you never know what your going to get hence the two pictures. Everything is either HOT/Cold, Black/White .. never easy. He believes people are genuinely good but when you cross him, you will get cutoff! #Liberal

Russia is a pistol. You never know what you are going to get with this one either. She could be smiling but mad which means she is plotting. Her super powers is “deflecting”.  When caught in a midst of a doing something wrong the subject changes so fast you forget she got caught. Super tough demeanor but will cry in a minute. She also has the innate ability to read lips, hear whispers and crack codes when adults are speaking. Be careful, she is watching you AlWAYS. #Republican




Wolf (in sheeps clothing) has got all the sense in the world but don’t know how to use it which makes him dumb as hell.  Superpowers are being a ‘fake bully’. He talk so much shit he will have you believing the things he is saying about you. And he can whip your ass physically with words.  He is a pill away from being diagnosed as bi-polarized. Be prepared because you never know what you are gonna get on a minute by minute basis, its either a comedy show or knife in the back. Armor up before talking to this one #Confused

Drainea (pronounce Drain-ya) is a trip.  Supers powers is “Damsel in distress”. She will woo you into her web of deceit with a flowery voice that skips in your direction.  Once in your personal space, she pounces with never ending excuses, sickness and whoasme  accolades.  Take heed she is the Damsel that cries wolf. #SuperDuperSuckthelifeoutofyouDemocrat. I thought about adding a second picture but nawww, this sums it up!

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