Sunday, February 20, 2011


Trifling: Describing a situation, person or event that is pathetic. Shady, not right. Deceitful, manipulative person or action. A person that is all talk and no follow through.

One Day. Super Sensitive. Angry. Defensive. All valid yet controllable. Nothing erks me more than folks (friends, family and foe) trying to get over on other people, good people, real people and innocent people.  Using people kindness as weakness. Taking advantage of a situation that benefit the innocent. Perfection is in the eye of the beholder. Deceit is deep. And TRIFLING is apparent.  And YOU have been discovered. You TRIFLING. You may HOODWINK some but the wool is so far from my eyes I see clearly.  I see you. You TRIFLING. I saw you a mile away via one side of the story. Nothing added up and know you were given the benefit of the doubt. I watched you and I'm still watching. We laugh, we chit chat, and the only thing in common is our SEX and that is questionable. Make no mistake, we not friends nor have we ever been. The only reason you tolerated me was because you thought I 'co-signed' on your TRIFLING. I see you and I have always seen you, I am watching. I smile but underneath I have no respect for you. We being in a similar situation is not an issue, its you being TRIFLING. Its you trying to remain relevant. LET ME BE REAL....Basically, its you. It is you taking advantage of situation for the better of the innocent. It is you hiding the real you, and playing victim to gain a leg up on the expense of another. TRIFLING. Behind all the smiles and 'Hey girl' and laughter your character is flawed. Using the innocent as a pawn for your own gain. Using goodness to prevail. Using me will not be tolerated. I see you. You nothing and you know it...hence your climb to remain relevant. Basically begging for relevance. Begging to be seen. Begging for attention. You know why?..............TRIFLING. The only power you have is the innocent and soon enough the innocence will develop to real. They will see you as I see. See you for what and who you really are, see you for you...TRIFLING. Hiding behind the innocent and pretending like you doing this or that. You ain't nothing  ....not to me but something to others and that I have to honor and respect. I cherish the innocent, I want the innocent to succeed and strive to be better, the innocent deserve better. My sacrifice is over. My needs, wants and desires are RELEVANT, not yours. Your time is up playa. Make the bed you laid in (literally). I mean really, its embarrassing watching you seek attention. Time to stand up and be who you claim, and be who you fakely represent. Time to stand up and be real. I can not claim perfection but I can claim REAL. Can you?
Oh wait...Real and Trifling don't mix, its like oil and water. Play the lotto if you wanna play games.

In my weakness I allowed the TRIFLING into my world. In my weakness I allowed the TRIFLING to control my world. No more. I do not do TRIFLING.......I do REAL.

Respect is earned.


  1. im not sure if wow says the right words but to some extent in life we all have a TRIFLING in or lives. Sadly TRIFLING are like roaches they never go away they just hide behind the walls, lol

  2. ah Right...however just know the right exterminater (Im just saying)
