Monday, February 28, 2011

.....Worn out piece of me

My body is craving PEACE
 My mind is craving PEACE
My soul is craving PEACE
My existence is craving PEACE

As a mother, wife, friend and daughter my strength is on the infinite scale.  I have my limits. Right now today, I have reached my limit. Flat out, unequivocally tired. Not so much physical but mentally drained which is weighing on my body. Worry wart should be my birth name, always in constant influx of self talk, taking care of others, managing everything, doing it all and still I keep moving despite my body and mind telling me to sit. Sit?...............Really? No way, sitting is for the weak and I have a TO DO list longer than my arm.  Constantly moving, busy with taking care of others I often neglect myself.  I have not JOURNAL, written in my BLOG nor I have made any head way on my book (Stuck in the same chapter). 

Something has to give. At this point it is either them or me.
She has not prepared for college.
He is back sliding in school and attitude
He is financially struggling
My job is uncertain
My body hurts
I'm tired
Hence ...I worry day for me is all I need (Until I get tired again)
I can not complain_______Life is good and I am alive to live it
So lets look at this way...
She is graduating
He is not in trouble
He is happy
I have a job
My body moves
I am alive
Just looking back at the beginning, I have nothing to complain about. Life, family and self requires sacrifice and takes time.  Commit to me and be happy.

My truth~

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