Saturday, February 4, 2012


Its Saturday, and its raining which I love by the way, I was laying here in bed messing around on Facebook, Twitter thinking back on my childhood. My childhood invokes fond memories and some of my life most disturbing experiences but I want to keep this fun...

#Backintheday is trending topic I found on Twitter, that was utterly amusing because it was kids today reminicing on their time not so long ago. Its amazing how these kids do not have a clue. Kids do not know what fun is .... 70's kids had FUN. We did more before the street lights came on than these kids do before they roll out of bed at 12pm.

Forty is fabulous but sometimes I sit and wish I was a kid again.......


Double Dutch


Board Games
Video Games
We had options, or atleast we utilized our options and the main most obvious choice was....
Remember when
  • You got slapped first and talked to later (Not fun but I could not resist)
  • Video games was a option not a must
  • You wanted to ride the school bus
  • Techology did not rule the world, you understood that everyone could not afford a cell phone
  • Kids were stress free and only worried if JuneBug was off punishment so you could play with his kickball
  • When all we cared about was going outside
  • You got your first walkman and thought you were the coolest kid on the block
  • When your pager went off and you had to borrow a dime for the pay phone
  • When you let Elemer's glue dry on your hands so you can you peel it off
  • Saturday morning breakfast was grits, eggs, real bacon, sausage, pancakes and biscuits
  • We had real cartoons, Mighty Mouse, Scooby Doo, Jetsons, Flintstones, Fantastic 4, Superman, Wonder Woman and Hanna Barbera......
  • We played hide and seek, ball games, hoola hoops
  • Acted out our favorite TV shows (mine was Wonder Woman, I would put on my leotard, wrap around skirt, my moms big wrist bracelets, and spin around into Wonder woman)
  • Went to the park and actually played on the merry go round, sliding board and monkey bars until we had blisters to peel
  • Climbed trees
  • On rainy days colored with actual crayons and made a game out of coloring in the lines
  • Made paper dolls and clothing for them
  • Read books (Judy Bloom) and comics
  • Listened to records
  • We played Tag, Red light/ Green light, Red Rover
  • We went to the local swimming pool and never come home with ecoli because there was so much chlorine in the pool that you came out white
  • We played together and had each others back against bullies
  • I had a big wheel and a sit n spin... lol
  • Toys were fun and without warnings, FUN n DANGEROUS!
  • We had a neighborhood candy lady, that sold pickles, jolly rancher stix, Tahitan Treat soda, and frozen cool-aid cups.
  • We used our imagination to have fun!
We did everything outside! Every kid in the neighborhood participated. We'd start playing in the morning and go til the street lights came on. On a good day, the adults would be outside having their fun and we could stay out later as long as we were in front of the house. In my house, we weren't allowed to sit around and watch t.v. unless it was bad weather. We would hunt "tad poles" and "caterpillors". Life seemed so simple. We did lots of stuff after the chores were done. If we said we were bored, our moms threatened to find stuff for us to do.

What do you remember............


  1. if i wasn't in that door when the street lights came on, my mom would pop us! and she would put soap in my mouth if she caught wind of me having a potty mouth. i kept dial in business. ha ha!!!

    1. Mom didn't do the soap thing, we got beat. No if, Ands, or in the house or get beat down

  2. I remember one time my mom took me to an Astros game...back when they played in the Astrodome. I asked if I could go get some nachos. She said fine. I got my nachos but took too long to come back. I started wandering... Anyway, she found me and she took me into the bathroom and let me have it. Some lady said, "I'm calling CPS on you." She replied, "Take her with you when you call!" HA!!!

  3. This brings tears to my eyes as I think about my memories playing in my grandma barbara's front yard with my brother making mud pies. She had this huge tree in her front yard that had these huge leaves on it, that we would use as the pie shell and then we would stuff with mud and have a little bakery. I also remember me and my brother running up and down the HUGE stacks of wood that my grandaddy jessie had in his back yard. THe stack was sooo huge that we would be able to play hide and seek around and under the stacks. My grandaddy jessie also used to take us outside and make homemade vanilla icecream with us.I will never forget that little brown bucket, that would shake so fast, to make the ice cream. I used to get mad sometimes because Tiffany would want strawberry and I hated strawberry, but it was easier to make than the vanilla, so she won! lol. such great memories!! RIP Grandma Barbara and Grandaddy Jessie! We miss you. Yasha

  4. @Lindsay -- girl sounds like my mom. If I threatened to call CPS she told me to make sure my shit was packed so I could leave with them plus she was going to make it worth them picking me up. LOL!!! Those were the days. Not child abuse. but hands on discipline.

    @Yasha -- first of all. I need you to sign in using the "Join this site" in the above right hand corner to follow me!

    I remember them days as well. We made fun out of whatever was available back in the day. Mud, catepillors, tadpoles, wood etc. I miss both Grandma and Grand daddy Jessie. He was the best, bad breathe and all!
