Frustrated is putting it
Last week I did piece on #backintheday which highlighted and touched on kids today versus the kids back in the day (me, you, us). However discipline is on my brain now and how things really have changed. A bit nostalgic thinking on my childhood spankings... NOT!
Tuesday is scheduled basketball practice for my son. Practice is from 9pm to 10 pm CST... I know it’s late (don't ask). Anyway so my son ask me to wake him at 8:45 (it was 5:30ish) to get ready. No problem, I was up working anyway. Apparently I didn't turn the volume up on my phone so I missed a call. When I noticed the light dimming, my phone lite up again with my child's facebook picture.
Son: Ma?
Me: Yes.
Son: The dog jumping on the back door.
Me: Okay.
Son: Let him in.
Me: What are you doing?
Son: I am resting.
Me: OK.
I politely ignored the beating on the door by our dog Bleux Martini, then I felt guilty and let him (the dog) in 10 to 15 minutes later. Afterwards I got mad as hell (delayed reaction) because I was actually bullied into letting the dog in the house when it’s the kid’s responsibility to manage the dog.
Needless to say, this incident was the topic of my journal entry the following day.
Kids got it made..
Times have changed. We are
expected to keep our children in line using a mild tone voice (no yelling),
negotiate with our children by allowing them to have a say in the punishment, and use terms
like "Time out corner". ARE YOU FOR REAL.. WE got BEAT!!! Beat like
we stole something whether we did the deed or not. Try beating your child like your mom
beat you... you will get a visit by a government organization C.P.S. followed
by the POLICE. Kids have CPS on speed dial. Where the hell was CPS when that
belt went across my back and wrapped around to my cheek, during the flying shoe
toss or open handed slaps and closed hand (Sorry Ma). If I even
thought about calling CPS I better have a plan. My bags packed, waiting and
ready at the door. I am sure my mom would make the CPS plan worth it, know what I
Kids got it made.
Materialistic-ism: Giving kids any an everything they want regardless of their behavior, grades or attitude.
Lets be honest, it’s really not about the kids. We as parents are competing thru our kids with society. We want others to see our kids with the latest/greatest technology, and the most fashionable designer clothes. You know how I know this, my kids have a Iphone and a laptop and I don't. My son shops at Macy's and I shop at Ross. All because I want him to have what I didn't plus I want to be able to talk with other moms about how greedy and selfish their kids are as they brag about what their kids have. Sad but oh so true.
One thing my dad said to me that makes sense now "Don't try to keep up with Joneses because the Joneses are trying to keep up with someone else, it’s a cycle"
Kids got it made.
Then: Saturday morning chores
Now: Kids do not wake up until 12pm
Then: We ate what our parents cook. And ate what we left on our plate for breakfast from the night before
Now: Kids make decisions on what they will and will not eat. They throw out good food for any reason
Then: Mom/parent shopped for our clothes. Lucky if we got a designer label (Jordache, Gloria Vanderbilt)
Now: Kids dress better than parents. They expect designer clothes (Polo) and will refuse to wear otherwise.
Then: Rode public transportation and was proud of it. "Girl I got a bus pass"
Now: Kids have brand new cars at the age of 16. Parents pay car payment and insurance.
Then: We would work a part time job, some parents would take the check
and did what they wanted to do with it. (Save or spend it)
Now: Working a fast food job is beneath them. If they do work, it is their money to blow.
Then: Curfew. Curfew. Curfew. Parent will show up, show out.
Now: Parents don’t know where their kids are most of the time
Then: No! meant No!
Now: No means okay.
Then: Not cool to get pregnant while in school
Now: Getting pregnant is the style.
I can go on and on and on....
Then: Kids respected and feared their parents
Now: Parents fear their kids.
This blog post is rambling nightmare, it jumps around but the topic of kids has so much range I wanted to touch on everything. Stay tuned
I thought this was super hilarious and I could relate on so many levels...check this out:
( -->>so I wont get into any trouble.

Five across the eyes. This is a very basic
maneuver and usually enough to cover most situations when your child is out of
line. Simply put four fingers tightly together and either leave the thumb off to
the side or fold it behind the other four fingers.
Then smack your kid across
the face with the back of your hand. Now this is the tricky part: make
sure to snap your wrist just before contact otherwise you won't get a
stinging effect
The sucker punch. Just ask the question "hey,
what's that on your shirt?" and when they look down, bust their lip. You need to
do this every now and then to keep them guessing. Don't ever let them off the
hook. Just because they're not doing anything wrong doesn't mean that they
didn't do something wrong earlier that you weren't aware of.
The Dragon Kick. If you're interested in a
permanent solution to your child giving you lip about washing the dishes,
cleaning his or her room or filing your tax return, then the Dragon kick might
be the technique for you. I guarantee that you will only have to ask once after
the Dragon kick has been administered.
The one-two shut-the-hell-up. This is
priceless when you're shopping and your kid won't shut the hell up: "I'm hungry,
I want toys, I need my Insulin..." etc. First smack your kid (the 5 across the
eyes technique works). Wait a few seconds for your kid to start crying, then
smack your kid again to let him know that you mean business. This usually shuts
them up because they see that the amount of crying is proportional to the amount
of beatings.
The skull thump. A quick blow usually dealt to the side or back of the head. Simply flick them in the head with your finger. An alternative is to smack your child up side the head with your palm. Very useful for teaching your child to read when he or she makes a mistake. Hitting your child when he or she is learning builds confidence, or undermines confidence--I can't remember which.
The one-handed chauffeur reach around. A quick reach around while you're driving to smack your kid and his friends too if they disrespect. Swerve the car back and forth for the full effect.
Last week I did piece on #backintheday which highlighted and touched on kids today versus the kids back in the day (me, you, us). However discipline is on my brain now and how things really have changed. A bit nostalgic thinking on my childhood spankings... NOT!
Tuesday is scheduled basketball practice for my son. Practice is from 9pm to 10 pm CST... I know it’s late (don't ask). Anyway so my son ask me to wake him at 8:45 (it was 5:30ish) to get ready. No problem, I was up working anyway. Apparently I didn't turn the volume up on my phone so I missed a call. When I noticed the light dimming, my phone lite up again with my child's facebook picture.
Son: Ma?
Me: Yes.
Son: The dog jumping on the back door.
Me: Okay.
Son: Let him in.
Me: What are you doing?
Son: I am resting.
Me: OK.
I politely ignored the beating on the door by our dog Bleux Martini, then I felt guilty and let him (the dog) in 10 to 15 minutes later. Afterwards I got mad as hell (delayed reaction) because I was actually bullied into letting the dog in the house when it’s the kid’s responsibility to manage the dog.
Needless to say, this incident was the topic of my journal entry the following day.
When I was a kid there were
some things we just didn't do, one of them was asking our parents to do our chores. The
things our parents did or were allowed to do back then, they would do hard time
in the penitentiary. These unconventional punishments (time out, soap in mouth, taking what
you like etc) were unheard of, at least in the black household. We (black
kids) always thought the white kids got away with murder. Try throwing a
tantrum in a store, you will get stomped, dropped and rolled in the spot you
embarrassed your mom in. Believe me I know..I am very familiar with the back
of a hand.
According to doctors with their statistics, spanking will mess up your kid because spankings hurt and should be avoided try discipline which teaches. Remember we want our kids to turn out well, not close off communication because they fear the parent.
All I have to say is.... I turned out alright!!!!
Kids got it made.
Materialistic-ism: Giving kids any an everything they want regardless of their behavior, grades or attitude.
Parent Excuse#1: I want my
kids to have what my parents were not able to provide for me.
We put ourselves in a
hostage situation by giving,giving, giving for no damn reason. Let these
ENTITLED, opportunistic, money grubbing, selfish kids EARN what they get. We
put ourselves in a position where we can not even say 'NO' to our children
without feeling guilty.
Lets be honest, it’s really not about the kids. We as parents are competing thru our kids with society. We want others to see our kids with the latest/greatest technology, and the most fashionable designer clothes. You know how I know this, my kids have a Iphone and a laptop and I don't. My son shops at Macy's and I shop at Ross. All because I want him to have what I didn't plus I want to be able to talk with other moms about how greedy and selfish their kids are as they brag about what their kids have. Sad but oh so true.
One thing my dad said to me that makes sense now "Don't try to keep up with Joneses because the Joneses are trying to keep up with someone else, it’s a cycle"
Kids got it made.
Then: Saturday morning chores
Now: Kids do not wake up until 12pm
Then: We survived, and were not dependent on parents to hold our hand.
Now: Kids are dependent upon parents for everything, even to entertain
them when they are bored.Then: We ate what our parents cook. And ate what we left on our plate for breakfast from the night before
Now: Kids make decisions on what they will and will not eat. They throw out good food for any reason
Then: Mom/parent shopped for our clothes. Lucky if we got a designer label (Jordache, Gloria Vanderbilt)
Now: Kids dress better than parents. They expect designer clothes (Polo) and will refuse to wear otherwise.
Then: Rode public transportation and was proud of it. "Girl I got a bus pass"
Now: Kids have brand new cars at the age of 16. Parents pay car payment and insurance.
Now: Working a fast food job is beneath them. If they do work, it is their money to blow.
Then: Curfew. Curfew. Curfew. Parent will show up, show out.
Now: Parents don’t know where their kids are most of the time
Then: No! meant No!
Now: No means okay.
Then: Parent went to a parent’s house to meet them before the sleep over
Now: Parents do not want to embarrass their kids
Then: Maybe smoked a cigarette, or pretended to puff on a joint (weed)
Now: Kids taking prescription drugs, inhaling glue and snorting cocaine
Then: No boyfriend/girlfriend until you turns 16.
Now: Boyfriend/girlfriend spending the night with parent’s permissionThen: Not cool to get pregnant while in school
Now: Getting pregnant is the style.
I can go on and on and on....
Then: Kids respected and feared their parents
Now: Parents fear their kids.
"Spare the rod spoil
the child" I want to know why we as parents are afraid to spank our
children. There was no room for discussion if I did something wrong, I got my
ass whooped! I can count on my hand the times I was actually put on punishment,
it was rarely an option, I got my ass whooped. Things have definitely changed.
I would have swallowed teeth if I spoke back to my mom. I definitely do not
condone abuse, however a good smack every now and then ain't never hurt nobody.

The skull thump. A quick blow usually dealt to the side or back of the head. Simply flick them in the head with your finger. An alternative is to smack your child up side the head with your palm. Very useful for teaching your child to read when he or she makes a mistake. Hitting your child when he or she is learning builds confidence, or undermines confidence--I can't remember which.
The one-handed chauffeur reach around. A quick reach around while you're driving to smack your kid and his friends too if they disrespect. Swerve the car back and forth for the full effect.
You are WONDERFUL!!! Please keep sharing.
ReplyDeleteI swear. I could have written this post word for word! You are a hoot to read! You need to write a book!
ReplyDeleteHey Lindsay .. I have the attention span of a flea, but I am working on it! Thanks lady bug!!
DeleteAnd the sad part is we know what we are doing but do it any ways and then ready to beat them down when they ask for everything we already do. Ugh I don't like kids..........hehehehehe......mother of ONE
ReplyDelete@Unknown, the join the movement by clicking "Join this site". Girl these kids have it made and we as parents support their foolishness. LOL (me included)
Delete@ReNet ..thanks girl, show some love and join the movement by clicking "JOIN THIS SITE"
ReplyDeleteLOVE LOVE LOVE THIS!!!! :) -Chy
ReplyDeleteThanks lady bug!!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Samuel Darealest Woody for commenting! Join the movement by clicking JOIN THIS SITE ;)