Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Game at its BEST! Tune in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

News Flash: It has been reported that 7.7 million viewers tuned in for the highly anticipated show of 2011 'The Game'. The show has not missed a beat since the last episode 2 years ago. The season premier of ‘The Game’ lived up to the hype last night as the drama unfolded in front of a large fan base.  BET has cosigned on some serious drama that will have everyone on their edge of the seats waiting in anticipation for the ‘mess’ to unfold every Tuesday.  I can not tell you first hand what everyone else was doing while watching the show, but if they are anything like me, I SHUT THE HOUSE DOWN…kids had to sit down and shut up while The Game had my divided, attention. Hypnotism at its best!

Facebookians lit up Facebook with commentary on every jaw dropping comment, scene and issue on the show. My phone went from ‘vibrate’ to ‘silent’ quick due to the overwhelming postings that burned up my Blackberry…

"Now I feel like I have to pray after The Game”

“I like the first episodes these must be new writers. S/N why did they have Tasha Mack smoking a black n mild?”

BET done turned The Game into another Tyler Perry movie(dramatic and predictable)

“ I love it I love it”

“That’s not your baby Derwin”

Character assessments:

Tasha: Reality at its best, she is the epidemy of crazy, sexy, cool and keeps it 100 (in my Ray J voice).  Not sure I like her with a younger man, I am bias because I LOVE LOVE LOVE Rick Foxx sexy azz, although I will admit it does bring something unique and vulnerable to her character. What’s up with the black n mild? That was random and I really didn’t appreciate it! I anticipate another relationship BLOOPER for Tasha. She has commitment issues!!!

Melanie: Med school. She cute...I do not think either one of the twins can get past ‘Cute’ in my opinion.  The weight loss was a shocker; she has no shape WHAT-SO-EVA but she cute.  Not completing her residency was not one of her best decisions but I understand however a lady should always have a backup plan! Whom-so-ever let her walk on set with that white dress on…pany lines are very unflattering. I’m going to need her to do better.

Derwin: Well deserved status boost on the make believe football field. Derwin has always been a little naive in my opinion but I think he gets it now, there is always going to be haters and tricks.  Sad he got caught slipping and now has a baby but that is life. I respect that he has manned up and is taking care of his little shorty. Very commendable and it sends a message that all Black men are not dead beat dads. Derwin is so fine!!

Malik: Shit rolls down hill. Malik is a typical ‘come from no where, get a little money, and get the big head’ kinda brotha. Slow it down Malik before you get GOT! That was a jacked up move he pulled on Tee Tee. Dirt begets dirt and what comes around goes around, is all I gotsta say!

Tee Tee: WEAK! Handle your business with your wing truck and cut Malik azz loose!

Jason: I have never liked his character. The script they lend him to re-enact on screen comes across very well…he got jokes BUT overall I am not feeling Jason.

Kelly: What the Deuce? The hair-do from last season balanced her out a bit because she was a thin line between woman and drag queen, now it’s all dudette!  She has muscles like a man, she look like a pimp called slick back with that hair, the tattoos are to much and she CAN NOT act! She weak and I foresee her reuniting with her boo Jason! I truly liked her better on the CW.

BAMM and there you have it!!!!! That is my truth and I am sticking to it~

Keep it locked folks every Tuesday!!!!

"Let's stay together" - Not sure where to go with this one!

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