Saturday, January 8, 2011

Saturday Morning Mess

Its HOT, its COLD, its MEDIOCRE..any other day I would prepare to deal with any of the latter but today is Saturday so WHO CARES...

8am I promptly wake up to my regularly scheduled hunger pains, mostly for coffee not so much food. Briefly I peruse FB on my Blackberry to see who is already up and moving around. Twitter is on and popping (no surprise there). Before I can even think about coffee I need my meds to manage the all to familiar acid reflux --PREVACID!!!

Afraid to face the obvious, I turn a blind eye to the mess that I must deal with eventually...I could blame it on the hustle and bustle of the holidays, my hectic work schedule, the kids activities, the DVR, facebook, twitter, this new blog and the list goes on and on...and actually it is all of the above that my house is in such disarray! Spring cleaning went on vacation the day after Spring and left me alone with this mess, lazy privileged kids, and a old fashion husband (more on this topic later) but I have been virtually abandoned by everyone. NOBODY but me admits we have a problem here....nobody gets that pile ups only happen when your not paying attention (driving or otherwise, this tornado residue, hurricane massacred house of mine has been neglected. I can not afford a cleaning person (but my husband has a yard man) nor can I afford my children, and my husband has taken the stance of 'I WORK, I am TIRED attitude and feels his only contribution to the well being of peace is to only work. He does not even get that his living on top of the world is actually the pile of junk he created in his corner!!!!! Why can't I use the excuse 'I work'? Nobody gives me a free pass? All this is a reflection of me as woman, a wife and mother..........NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I enter the bathroom and....
OK so this is my mess entirely well except for the clipper bag, which is hidden by the cracked mirror that is sitting on top of it camouflaging the bag! I had a hang nail hence the nail kit..the hair spray aides my itching scalp due to these braids (which I am taking out asap), moisturizer is for my cow licks (cant seem to grow hair on the edges), the personal cleansing cloths..well lets just say I'm pooping now! The other stuff are just the necessities of beauty okay (don't judge me)! This my dear friends is an easy fix....throw it all under the counter, wipe down with bleach, Windex the mirror BOOM BAM I'm good! Now turning to my right as I enter from the door not the closet

"I could not figure how to rotate once I uploaded so turn your computer sideways to get the full impact"

This is one week and a few days worth of dirty clothes. PJ's, under garments, towels, a jacket, blah blah you get the drift. This pile will get bigger and bigger and eventually spill to the floor if I do not wash TODAY! I get no reprieve from laundry. My man will not notice dirty clothes until he runs out of underwear and wearing non matching socks! I on the other hand, smell it once I enter the bedroom. If you look closely to the right of the pile there is barely a view of a bench in front of the tub. Well I didn't take a pic but I have a pile of clothes there, sweaters, jeans, belts etc that I have worn to work over and over the past few weeks (during the holidays). They have not been moved to the cleaner bag because I still have creases...(my issue I KNOW) but this pile is now on the unmade bed, take a look.....

Bed in distress
 OK see, what happen was.....
This is the clothes that were in the bathroom on the bench that were used by me only. Thou shall not judge..with being said I will continue. A little time has passed and to my defense this pile no longer exists. All the sweaters are now in the winter crate, the jeans are folded nicely and have been placed in the cleaner bag (in case I want to sneak a pair next week), the belts and shirts are on hangers still on the bed. What can I say....I had to cook breakfast (turkey bacon, eggs and waffles) AND most importantly the coffee was ready.

As I venture upstairs (when the kids were asleep) Here is what I found and please feel free to embarrass them because I will show post a pic of how they walk out of the house every morning..
shh they are sleeping

Here is Tupac looking down on them and turning over at this messy room (I must admit, it doesn't stink)


I will keep you posted on the drama in the boys room, but take a look at the beauty queen

Now take a look at her room.......(she is going to be so made)
Picture 1--Beauty Queen
Picture 2--Hot Mess

My hubbies pile vs garage!

The homeless clothes

The abandoned
 Now people do you feel my pain? Ya feel me?
I am the only one that gives a crap about all the crap. Sad but true and this is really a lonely existence when no one cares how they live but have the NERVE to complain about their mess when asked why they their friends are not invited over..! I am embarrassed, tired and almost at the point of giving up my struggle to maintain order, cleanliness to all. We are not quite near health hazard status but pretty damn close.

If you have any tips on career cleaning, please share otherwise reserve your judgment for yourself because I can dump on my own self without any help from anyone else. As always...

Don't Judge Me


  1. You know what's good for the goose is good for the gander and the goslings. Time to have a come to Jesus girl. I sure feel your pain. It's an uphill battle........ Keep on keepin it real.

  2. I need the Gosling right about now to help a sistah out! Until then if I have to battle uphill, then guess the shit will roll down!
