Friday, January 14, 2011

Open Diary

 "No one Person or Situation should determine your mood. Be Determined to maintain your Happiness!"
Today I was going to write about something a little different but something happened to me yesterday that changed the course of my day yesterday and today and I want to share...

Yesterday was a good day.
I woke up, took a deep breath and thanked God for another day. I felt good!!
Dressing for work is easy these days, 'its cold' ...jeans, sweater, boots and a leather jacket. And there you have it.
Meditated while driving 45 minutes to work. Meditation is a requirement not an option!
Work was expected no surprise there. Michele being there helps!

My Thursdays are driven by the anticipation of seeing my son play basketball with his school. Nothing can change my mental destination because I am his BIGGEST FAN and I want to support him in all things especially basketball because it means a lot to him. I smile more, work harder because I am blessed to have such a great son.
Playing BasketballThe game was a big adrenaline rush. The score was so close, I was on the edge of my seat, yelling, sweating and excited. Excited for the team and prayed they were going to win since they were down by 1 point. He had the ball, he bobbed, weaved, swooshed by the other players and expertly maneuvered his way down the court with the opposing team on his heels , breathing down his neck ready for him to slip a split second the opposing team player pushed my son down and he slid across the floor as the ball went in the other direction. Everything slowed down as I watched him slide, and he continued to slide and I continued watch frozen, paralyzed...ready to hop down the bleachers' to fight anyone that got in my way. But before I had a chance to react he was up, got the ball again and SWOOSSSHHHH! He made the shot. We are now 1 point ahead, with a few seconds on the clock left and the opposing team is aggressively trying to make it down court ...BUZZER! The crowd jumps up and all hands in the air as if we are at a concert, whistling, yelling and proud of our boys!! We won and my son made the winning point. I am so proud so proud so proud.

All good things come to an least they do for me Disappointed smile

His whole attitude changed when I would not allow him to stay for the 2nd game to watch the A team play. His attitude changed the whole direction of my night. All I will say is I cried myself to sleep because my feelings were so hurt.  Hurt at his outburst, the selfishness, the lack of regard for me, and at his reaction to something so trivial. No way am I perfect, but I am at every game, cheering, motivating, supporting through the good times and bad at every function, and this is what I have to contend with? I do realize I am a little sensitive, and my feelings are easily hurt but what can I say...I am a Pisces. We love hard.

I guess this is all apart of being a mother ... but it is defeating when you do all can without a supporting biological father (sperm donor) and this is how it goes down. When does one realize what they have...when its gone?

 "I am my son's #1 fan"

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