Friday, January 7, 2011

'Text Junky'

Things have definitely changed since I was a child.  When my mother called my name I immediately responded..."YES" while in her route to her location so she knew I was not ignoring her.  Parents today want to be friendly or friends with their children and do not want them to fear them. I grew up with fear and it can be healthy especially as they get older.

Today in 2011 and over the past few years leading up to is so prevalent in that "We" parents engage in text with our children.  And if your are anything like me, you should be familiar with text while in the same dwelling with your children.

I promise you, it did not start off like this at all....the phone was for emergency purposes only.  Text was something quick to get a message to the kids while they were in school or for them to contact me at work. IT WAS EASY...OK! I can admit that in some instances 'the easy way out' has been and is my motto. Whateva!

Let me bring this home, "I text with my children in the house or even in the next room" WTH. This is the problem now.... I don't even know how not to text with the kids. This is getting out of control on so many levels. Its getting to the point where, when I "think" I am disciplining them via "text" when they respond I feel like they are being a smart azz..LOL. Holiday, birthdays when gifts are sent to them it is so easy to say "Text your G-Momma and say thank you" or "Did you text your G-Momma to say hi?" Calling is foreign....I hate talking it is easier for me to text and email!


Where I lost control is beyond me. It is so easy to blame it on the divorce and the other parent BUT it is me that is allowing and causing this communication gap. I continue to accept this mode of communication. My eldest hardly talks to me. And when he does it is awkward for me and him. This is a big disconnect for me and our relationship. How do you stop it, when it is easy?

Ok all that being is the parenting, right? Easy for someone on the outside to judge but I can admit I set the pace and allowed this to get out of hand. Where do I go from here......? I rely on this mode, method, way of communication just as much as the kids do! How do you engage kids in 'legacy' communication ie. talking, long hand writing, and time spent when we ALL engage ourselves with technology friendly devices that seemingly make our lives easy...........i.e fast food!

Say what you want but I do not think there is any turning back. I need an intervention!


  1. Are the texts intimate? Do you feel like your getting to a deeper level that way? Some of my relationships I do feel have become deeper thanks to texting. As for me some things are easier to say via text. But if your saying its awkward to engage in person with DS then yea maybe it is not working with him. Next time he texts respond with 'call me'. And as far as discipline. Gf how do you whip some @$$ via text? Just sayin.......
    Keep it up girl. Your blogs thought provoking and relevant.

  2. Thanks Angie!!! As always I can count on you for good advice and food for thought.

    Nope and Nope. Honestly we have full blown discussions via text which to me are not initimate and feels like a disconnect. When we chat its awkward. I dunno, I will commit to call more often!!!!

    Some of my relationships prior to texting are already deep so texting is not an issue. I love to text because no matter what mood I am in and what I am doing if I do not want to explain myself I dont feel obligated or pressured.

    Girl my kids get off a lot easier now. Discipline meaning verbally (via text) kicking azz until we meet again!!! I found out they are laughing when I go off in text. I might have to switch a few things up because once I text and get it off my chest Im done with it and that is what they bank on!!!!

    Thanks again!!!
