Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday---The Aftermath

This is how I feel today....peaceful and serene. its cold, rainy, dinner is simmering on the stove and the fire place is warming the house. It gets no better than this on a Sunday afternoon.

Rome was not conquered in a day and neither was cleaning this house. Everything is not quite where it should be but we are moving in the right direction.   I can't complain.....can I? This is the kids version of clean ..and it is still Under Construction. 

Let's start at the beginning with ME. You can see my counter YAY!!!!!! All beauty products are put in their proper place (thrown under the counter) tee hee hee .

The is the best part yet.... you can see my bench and my tub! Comet, Windex and a full roll of paper towels aided me in cleansing my tub. I'm so excited, it has been so long since I was able to soak in my tub!!!!!  
 I do not think I am unreasonable, I honestly think I am fair. Kids today to not realize what they have at their age and I know this because I didn't appreciate what I had. A home, nothing to worry about but school, hanging with friends and the only thing my mother required of me was to help take care of the kids and keep the house clean. I didn't understand responsibility and worry until I got out on my own. If I could turn back time.....(another blog for another day) My point is....I require them to attend church, respect adults and each other, make good grades and do their part at home by keeping our things clean and in good condition.  Why is this so hard?

 House Rules...All chores must be done before and after school.  Deep cleaning is done on the weekends before any TV or videos are turned on!  The chores are rotated amongst the 3 kids every Sunday and the chore is not handed off to the next person until everything is complete. Clothes are washed twice a week Wed and Sunday only. Since I mentioned the clothes, the laundry room was neglected. The kids picked up a little but did not sweep or wipe down the washer and dryer. SMH

The boys room is much much better.  I will be honest and say, they manage their room better than anyone in the house including me.  I recently threw out my sons bed because it was damaged beyond repair. Next time you see their room hopefully it will!  All their clothes are folded and hung up.  The gaming systems are in order and neatly in their place.  I could ask for more but I won't....I'm teary eyed! 

Boys Room

Lets see if the frog has turned into a princess....better I guess.  Disregard the basketball mural, we switched the kids room around since the boys were growing like weeds we gave them the bigger room. Re-painting..coming soon! I will give her credit..she vacuumed!
Daughters Room

Bathroom's are my weakness. When the bathroom is nasty it takes me down to the depths and pits of hell! I twist up like a possessed soul in need of Tilex! Here we go....

Kids bathroom

Whew!....I wont go any further than the wash up area. I do not wanna know what is lurking beyond the thunder dome! Looks good from here.

My office

Marilyn inspired office

My Marilyn inspired office got a little disorderly during the clean up. I had to shuffle a few things around from the bedroom to the office to distribute the wealth.  Marilyn loves her new dwelling and said everything is just! (future blog)

Venturing into the common area ....DA DA DA daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 'The Game Room'. Disregard the mattress if you can and act like it is not there. That is for guests and since no one visits we will move it to the garage, I promise.  There were a few clothes left on the recliner from last weeks clothes washing marathon. More to come! 

Pretty good, right? The shoes belong to a house guest that spent the weekend. And 'NO' he did not use the mattress!

Game Room

One of the biggest pain points in my home with me and my family is the lack of regard they have for the home I have provided for them.  We do not have anything fancy, all our furniture is hand me downs, road side treasures and really good bargain shopping and its all usable and comfy. All that I ask is that they keep it neat and clean. Respect what we have, take care of your things, take care of my things. The kids only want to play and text, my hubby is a procrastinator and refused to clean because of the kids which leaves me dealing with all of this.  I am not is not fair but why make it hard for the person who does it all and wants the best from you. Help a sistah out literally. Why do I have to jump up and down like Rumpelstiltskin and darn near pass out, and risk my blood pressure rising before anyone decides to do anything.  January 1 No more riding folks like a bicycle, stressing, yelling and feeling as if this personal......NO MORE! From here on out  my NEW YEAR commitment is to do me! Take care of me! But most importantly be less accessible to everyone around me, not to be mean but relieve myself of things I can not control.  Since my own family is making me and the things I love a option and not a priority I will gladly return the favor. A person can only take so much.  The rules will still be enforced and the expectation is still here BUT my attitude towards it all has changed. I have to take care of me and if that means releasing the BS....then BS is gone!  Besides my hubby pays a yard man, I foresee putting the cleaning lady in the 2011 budget. As always..

Don't Judge Me.....



  1. Had no idea you are such a MM fan. Adorable. Although I must say that pink is the reason for your headaches and probably vision problems and hbp. Lol. But seriously look it up. It's very stimulating not soothingly. But hey you might need stimulation at eleven when you blog.
    Keep on keepin on. Your doing fantabulous

  2. hence the reason I chose pink...makes me dizzy!
