Saturday was a busy busy busy day, hence I am blogging about today Sunday from my bed about Saturday. Before I get to the reason as to why I am in bed at 3:04 pm. Below is the 'check off' of my to do list, let me start from the beginning....
I woke up with a tummy ache, mostly likely do to the hot wings and wine on Friday. No complaints, the fact that I woke up breathing means I was given another chance, so congratulations are in order!! This does not camouflage the fact that the bed had a kung foo grip on my body but my TO DO list says to release the beast and keep it moving. Life is a battle... I got up and got moving, passed go and went to the Breakfast house for coffee and donut holes.
To Do List:
- Walmart: Take back pot set received from Christmas, birthday cards, memory card
- Post office to mail the birthday cards
- Malik game @ 12
- Help the Simons get their home in order
Walmart: check!
Basketball game @12: Check
We lost against the Mavericks but it was not an easy win! The boys never gave up and played a good and honorable game.
Simons' New Home: Check
The Simon home is beautiful! Me and my troops marched in ready to get busy, okay that is a little exaggerated but you know what I mean. The Williams posse NEVER disappoints, they were on the scene looking broke down exhausted. They earned the right to be tired, they had been packing, moving, cleaning, organizing non stop since Wednesday night in 'cold as hell' degree weather. All in all, they did their thing and we were ready to do our part.
After taking a mini tour, it was time to get down with the get down.....a screeching HALT! The homeowners were MIA (missing in action) and no one wanted to budge until clear direction was given in what goes where, when or how! Understood. What else is there to do? I know..lets eat! So I ordered some pizza so we could fuel up and get with it when the owner commanded!
Finally we were able to get started, cribs and beds were assembled. The garage organized, boxes broken down and non usable items put in the attic to store! Of course this took more than a few hours and we had comedy hour to keep us entertained through the work. Michele dancing and the random cursing from the unexpected (no names)
While we waited... workers gotta eat! Michele started up the pit to get the burgers going. (Good thing she removed her wig and didn't have on make up ..otherwise!!) Anyway, we all were safe and even encouraged her to add more lighter fluid to capture her posing by a blaze. That's my girl, always down for a challenge and a opportunity to give us that million dollar smile! She never disappoints!
In the background the fellas are testing the gas connection and mean while back at the ranch we are doing what ladies do, partaking in relaxation, conversation with a glass of wine....Moscato, and Sweet Red.
At the end of the day as we said our goodbyes and wished the Simons' well, I walked from room to room taking a last peek at what was accomplished by family coming and working together in celebrating another accomplishment. The Williams posse, is what I miss at home. I know I know, I always bring things back to me, but isn't all my writing about me? My perspective, my experience and my view. Everyone had their role, their part in the move and we all made it happen to take as much pressure as possible off of Michele and Ian. This is a perfect example of what families do, come together as a group to support who is important to them. There was no animosity, no jealously, just pure fun and hard work without complaint. Families unite in crisis and families unite in joy and Saturday it was pure JOY! I love my peeps and I would personally like to thank Diane (my momma), Deane (my sister), Butch (Cedric), TJ (my brother), Kamryn (my niece) and Mama Dorothy (my grandma) who made me laugh when she said "Shit" for being an example of a family. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You know what Tiff, you never cease to amaze me!!! We both need to be back the gym it hurt me to staple a paper today at work. Man you are the best SIL I got and I wouldn't trade you for the world we keep each other sane even when we really shouldn't be (hence this weekend). I love the White House
ReplyDeleteIm all teary eyed! Thanks sweetie! Larry said you are his favorite SIL!